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Trump's bringing drilling back
When he was running for president, Mr. Donald Trump’s platform claimed how he would not only bring jobs back to the United States but he...
There’s Never Been a Better Time to be Single
CNN started off the year with launching an article claiming there has never been a better time to be single. Personally I couldn’t have...
A fundamental GAME CHANGER. "Whatever the field of work, positive change for women is possible. Every one of us is a part of this story"...
So, you want to start travelling?
So you want to start travelling? It seems like every day another news source releases ways to get started traveling or how to articles on...
Is self centrism the world's biggest threat?
We are spending hours creating our social media profiles, desperately texting friends about another cute someone who doesn’t care enough,...
The immigrants who rebuilt Britain
The year is 1949, Great Britain is still struggling to rebuild following a long and costly second world war. Costly in terms of...
The Rise of Political Issues in Jerusalem
“Today we finally acknowledge the obvious: that Jerusalem is Israel’s capital.” Eleven words was all it took to spark protests and...
The Most Expensive TV Shows Of All Time
For more up to date content on everything TV follow Drew at:
The Biggest Stories Of 2017
A review of every year usually begins with the words “a year like no other,” yet I’ve not seen many people say that about this year....
I’ll preface this by saying that when people start talking about numbers, stock, finances or taxes, my eyes glaze over and I use my...
Could you live a Zero Waste Lifestyle?
2018 new years resolution. At the start of every year some of us like to make a resolution like quitting smoking or losing weight. I like...
The cost of living around the world
Have you ever looked at your pay stubs from work and seen the Year-To-Date and how much money you’ve made and then looked at how much is...
The UK called to Libyan Crisis
A petition created by Constance Mbassi Manga calling for the UK government’s intervention of the Libyan slavery crisis is being heard by...
Smallville to Sexville
Following Harvey Weinstein’s shock on Hollywood with his numerous sexual assault allegations, Allison Mack, who is most famous for...
Thirst Project: a Movement to End the Global Water Crisis
April 2015: I was in a small town in Honduras working at a children’s home. My team and I helped out with the kids daily, we played,...
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